Our fall gatherings in the Poppy Creek Green Space (at the intersection of Carr St. and King St.) included a Poppy Creek clean-up, a planning gathering, and a Harvest/Halloween party that drew over 60 children and adults from our neighborhood. At the party, folks made craft/goody bags (for distribution at the FISH food bank and for neighborhood kids), we had storytelling by elders and children, a wild costumed dance with DJ Santiago and much more
There was great enthusiasm expressed by the children for another ‘clean the creek’ day, so we will set a date for one sometime this spring. A multitude of fabulous ideas were brought forward about how we might come together to make improvements on Poppy Park – ideas that could beautify the space and encourage our neighbors to help us keep the park cleaner, more beautiful, ecologically sound and fun to spend time in. We will discuss these with the appropriate Santa Rosa officials and see what we can move forward with.
Looking forward to gathering again in the spring, summer and fall!