Location: Poppy Park, at the intersection of King and Carr Streets
Children in the neighborhood have expressed interest in Poppy Park (at the intersection of King and Carr, with the walnut trees and footbridge) and Poppy Creek, which runs through the Junior College neighborhood. On 9/23, over 20 children and almost as many adults gathered in the tiny park to discuss possible improvements to the area, as well as ideas for a costume Halloween party on Friday, 10/28 at the same spot. There were an abundance of unique and creative suggestions put forth!
Afterwards, we went on a walk following Poppy Creek with Alistair Bleifuss, Santa Rosa’s environmental specialist. We learned about how ordinary curbside litter gets washed into the creek when it rains. Our crowd was so enthusiastic about picking up litter from the park, the creek, and curbside, that Alistair left us several litter pick-up ‘claws’ so that we can keep on cleaning up year-round.
September 17-24 was Creek Week in Santa Rosa. For more info click here.