The fabulous and fun Taco Tuesday bike ride starts in the JC neighborhood every Tuesday! El fabuloso y divertido Taco Tuesday paseo de bici sale desde el barrio JC todos los Martes!

Come join this intergenerational, super fun and musical  bike ride that starts on Silva Ave. at 6 pm every Tuesday, then goes to the Mitote Park in the Roseland, and back again.  People (and their pets!) from every walk of life come together for this joyous communal event.

Unase a nosotros en un paseo en bici intergeneracional, multicultural y amigable que comienza todos los martes a las 6 p.m.!


Posted August 11, 2024

rainwater catchment and water conservation, creating an educational model for land and water stewardship

rainwater catchment tank with overflow pipe

Growing a Village/Cultivando un Pueblo, together with Daily Acts ( and the city of Santa Rosa, recently collaborated on  a rainwater catchment and  water conservation project at a private residence in the junior college neighborhood, intended as a model for upcoming bilingual educational tours.

here is a photo of the prior system, intended to prevent flooding of the home. This system was revamped and the new system conserves water while reducing flooding.

here is a seasonal wetland that was dug as part of the overall project, creating habitat for various creatures, and allowing what would have been floodwaters to eventually seep into the aquifer.

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Posted April 11, 2024

knome house/casa de knomes

Creative neighbors came up with this pandemic passtime and welcomed young and old to play at and/or add to the knome house in their front yard.

A los vecinos se les occurrio este pasatiempo pandemico y dieron la binevenida a personas jovenes y mayores para jugar y agregar a la casa de knomes en su patio delantero.

Posted July 16, 2023